Acupuncture is thousands of years old healing technique healing a number of health issues. It improves the body function and promotes natural healing process by stimulating the anatomic areas (acupuncture points). The professional acupuncturists insert the thin needles at the acupuncture points
of your body that restore the flow of qi, stimulate healing, balance body energy and promote relaxation. There are more than 1000 acupuncture points on our body and each having the invisible energy channel. The process does not hurt, but you may feel numbness or mild tingling.
How Acupuncture Work?
The acupuncture influences the autonomic nervous system and the release of chemicals which regulate blood pressure and flow as well as reduces the inflammation.
Benefit Of Acupuncture
- Low Back Pain : The acupuncture tends to decrease pain intensity and improve body function immediately after the treatment.
- Migraines : When you are facing the symptoms of a migraine, the acupuncture can reduce the pain. But, it may take time to release its effects.
- Tension Headaches : Pain in your head due to stress or any other tension can be treated with acupuncture. Comparatively, it reduces the pain than the other remedies that you usually do for the pain medication.
- Knee Pain : As the acupuncture is best known to improve the physical function, it reduces the chronic pain in knee or joints for the people suffering from the short and long-term.
How To Get Ready For Acupuncture?
In order to get the effective treatment, you must go to the professional with your medical history. The acupuncturist will get to know about your diet, sleep, stress level, habits and almost everything related to your routine life. The professional will also examine your health conditions. Later the process of treatment will be started according to your health condition. The acupuncturist techniques may include:
- Moxibustion
- Cupping
- Electro-acupuncture
- Laser acupuncture
Finally, if you have made up your mind for the acupuncture treatment to get relief from common health issues then visit Coxwell Physiotherapy Centre. We have a team of professional acupuncturists with many years of experience in providing custom treatments. Request for a free consultation today.